Made these terrariums last night while watching Jersey Shore, the second season. Ugh. I know. I hate to admit it, but the hubs turned it on (he tivo’d it) and I got sucked in.

Anyhow, here are two terrariums I made as belated housewarming gifts.

I like how these turned out because…

  • I like the contrast between the white Mosser Lee pebbles and the dark soil versus the beige/orange rocks from my previous post.
  • I like the look of the slender glass containers than the round ones. Although only two succulents fit, it makes it look cleaner.

The two cute lil birds are from Michaels. I stuck a toothpick on the bottom of the bird and just pushed it through the rocks. I also added a tag at the bottom with care instructions and wrapped it around the vase with twine.

Hope my friends like it πŸ™‚ I’m addicted to making these!

-lil sis