I love Ziploc’s bag and containers.  I put her paci in a mini sandwich bag and her new diapers in a storage bag.  I noticed after awhile the bag filled with diapers would look old and run down after opening it so many times.  It bothered me so much, but I didn’t want to keep using a new bag.  I hate wasting…something I learned from my mil after living w/ her the past couple of months!

Last night after Lila went down, I had about an hour of free time and made a drawstring bag for my diapers.  It felt exhilirating to sew again.  A stress reliever perhaps?  It was nice because I was still able to spend time with my hubby.  We bought a new desk for our office big enough so that one end is my sewing area and the other is for the computer.  While I sewed, he facebooked! 

My before and after:
















Don’t forget to comment on the previous post to win the Obama paperweight!!

lil sis